Thursday, January 20, 2011

Days 3 & 4

So.... bad news. I got the flu. No joke. I got it BAD too. Put a fever of 102.5 degrees, stuffed sinuses, swollen tonsils, and a killer headache on top of the freaking rigor mortis that set in overnight, and you get one miserable mama. I called my husband at work, begging him in tears to come home and help me out with the baby. Luckily for me, he was only working a short shift that day anyway, and he was able to get home quickly. So that's where I stand (or rather, lay- in a bed of used tissues and tea bags. Ew).

As for Dave, he's right on schedule. He did the Plyometrics yesterday, and Arms&Shoulders today. Go Dave!!!

1 comment:

  1. That stinks! I hope you feel better soon:) Tell Dave to keep up the good work.
