Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 16

Holy crap, the pounds are flying off me right now!


It's true. It feels amazing to step on that scale and just watch it drop. I always psych myself out before I get on, thinking about all the cheating and the secret treats, and how I could have done more reps, I know I could have done at least one more, now I'm going to be a pound heavier and it's all my own fault, why didn't I do that extra rep? Why? Why? That way, even if I didn't lose very much it's not a disappointment. Then I saw how much I dropped, and it was sweet, sweet ecstasy.

On the flip side, this is my danger zone. I mentioned before that I am a lazy person and a procrastinator. Perhaps I should also add that I am a long-standing underachiever. I am a big fan of Good Enough. Me and Good Enough go way back. I skated through high school and college on Good Enough, even though an extra 15-20 minutes of studying per day probably could have gotten me straight A's. (In high school at least, more like an hour for college. Well, maybe 30-40 minutes. No, no, for all A's it would have to have been at least an extra hour). But I digress! The point is, this is the part where I start to get really pleased with myself and it stops being a big deal to slack off, because look, I just lost two pounds in two days! So I'm really trying to stay self-aware, and push through any feelings of complacency I might start to get.

Frankly, one look at my pudgy tummy pretty much sucks the complacency right out of me. So YAY! for that. (seriously).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 14

Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!
This morning I stepped on the scale... and I finally ducked under 170.
169.2, it said in bright blue numbers. I have not seen the underside of 170 in two years, when I was a couple months pregnant. I'm less than ten pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight (which, frankly, wasn't that great either). I feel so motivated right now. I'm so close to the threshold. I'm ready to step my game up a notch.
If I'm being honest, I should tell you that I haven't really been giving it 100%. I skipped days 5,8,9&13, plus I had pizza for lunch three times last week, and I sometimes fast-forward through the last ten-fifteen minutes of the workout videos, even though I could do it all if I just mustered up the gumption. So now, with this one little-bitty bit of real progress, I am committed. I will only skip one day per week. I will only have pizza for lunch once per week, and I will not fast-forward the video, but do maybe one or two less reps than I probably could (which is better than no reps at all).

If that last bit sounded less than enthusiastic to you, it wasn't. As a chronic procrastinator and terminal lazy person, that is a major step up for me, and is actually a big move toward my goal of perfect form and performance.

Also, p.s, one of the big motivating thoughts I've got right now is the great big shopping spree that will have to happen once none of my clothes fit me anymore. Not to mention that Dave and I made a deal that if I hit my goal weight (roughly somewhere between 130 and 140) then he would take me to the Saks Off 5th outlet and buy me ANY DRESS I WANTED. Dave says any dress at all, but I will keep it reasonable and only spend $100.
... maybe $175.

David is a motivational genius, because I would really really really like to have a dress, but first I have to be able to fit into any of them. Oh my gosh, amazing thought, what if by the end of all this, I can fit into a medium??? That would be AWESOME!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 11

Yoga today. The first 40 minutes are no joke, but the last 5 minutes nearly put me to sleep (until I cracked an eye open to see a big diaper bum looming as Liam sat on my face).

Here's some good news I thought you all might like to hear: I lost 2 pounds exactly. I haven't noticed any difference in any of my clothes yet, but I do notice a big difference when I'm exercising. My legs are lasting a little longer and I can handle slightly heavier weights. I know I started off with no specific goals other than "get hot", but I think I found a goal. I want to do every exercise on the videos perfectly. I want to hold the yoga positions, do every ab move (sans whimpering), and keep my legs straight when they ought to be (which is way harder than you might think it is). Not just for yoga, for all of the workouts. So there you have it, my new goal:

Perfect form.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 5

Lost 0.6 lbs! Yay!

Only 29.4 more to go! Ha ha. I was excited before the workout yesterday. Since it was Yoga, I thought: "Sweet. This will be easy (comparatively)."

It was not.

Teach me to expect a down day. To be honest, I think the Arms&Shoulders is probably the easiest one I've done so far. Maybe that's just cause my arms and shoulders aren't in as bad shape as the rest of me, what with hauling around my tank of toddler.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 2: Take 2

Everyone in the world is a liar. The first day is NOT the hardest.

The second day is definitely harder.

Today I did Cardio X, which has elements from Yoga, Kenpo, Plyometrics and Synergistics. And it is NON-STOP. No breaks. None. Not even quick ones. I sweat in places I didn't know could sweat. Do you know how weird it feels to sweat from your forearms? Really weird. And I'm used to sweating. I'm German, so trust me when I say I know how it feels to sweat. But that was crazy.

*Sidenote: My kid is totally cute. He was in the living room with me waving his arms and doing little kicks. He was all over the place. Ha ha! He probably had better form than I did.