Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 16

Holy crap, the pounds are flying off me right now!


It's true. It feels amazing to step on that scale and just watch it drop. I always psych myself out before I get on, thinking about all the cheating and the secret treats, and how I could have done more reps, I know I could have done at least one more, now I'm going to be a pound heavier and it's all my own fault, why didn't I do that extra rep? Why? Why? That way, even if I didn't lose very much it's not a disappointment. Then I saw how much I dropped, and it was sweet, sweet ecstasy.

On the flip side, this is my danger zone. I mentioned before that I am a lazy person and a procrastinator. Perhaps I should also add that I am a long-standing underachiever. I am a big fan of Good Enough. Me and Good Enough go way back. I skated through high school and college on Good Enough, even though an extra 15-20 minutes of studying per day probably could have gotten me straight A's. (In high school at least, more like an hour for college. Well, maybe 30-40 minutes. No, no, for all A's it would have to have been at least an extra hour). But I digress! The point is, this is the part where I start to get really pleased with myself and it stops being a big deal to slack off, because look, I just lost two pounds in two days! So I'm really trying to stay self-aware, and push through any feelings of complacency I might start to get.

Frankly, one look at my pudgy tummy pretty much sucks the complacency right out of me. So YAY! for that. (seriously).

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